Big Bags (more space in bags +longer reach)

Big bags everywhere ! More space in inventory, toolbelt, logistic and trash slots, robots cargo size and speed, bigger stacks & pickstick to increase your picking distance...

3 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

g not working with 1.1.1

3 years ago

stack size back down to 50. long reach not working

3 years ago



3 years ago

По идеи достаточно в файле info.json поменять строку factorio_version на 1.1


3 years ago

can u text in English? Alav.

3 years ago

Any chance someone has a fix (or alternative) for this mod? I am doing a full Bob/angels mod game that winds up with so much need for more inventory.

3 years ago

Any chance someone has a fix (or alternative) for this mod? I am doing a full Bob/angels mod game that winds up with so much need for more inventory.

3 years ago

can u text in English? Alav.

  1. %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\mods\
  2. We are looking info.json in the archive
  3. Change line "factorio_version" in the file. New Line
  4. Save Changes
  5. ....
  6. It works
3 years ago

Well i tried it out and everythings seem to work fine. I assume Factorio is not loading it, due to incorrect verions in info.json. I will upload an patch. Hopefully still working for the peeps in 1.0

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