Big Bags (more space in bags +longer reach)

Big bags everywhere ! More space in inventory, toolbelt, logistic and trash slots, robots cargo size and speed, bigger stacks & pickstick to increase your picking distance...

3 months ago
0.13 - 2.0
Armor Storage

b compatibility

4 years ago

When there is Bonus-technology, Bigbags does not work.

4 years ago

yeah this is a DEPRICATED mod

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

What exactly does "Bonus-Technology" mean? I played with heavily modded games without any issues. And while i had to remove quite a lot of functionallity due to similar changes in vanilla, i dont think its deprecated.
If i get a more detailed description of the "it does not work" i can fix. Most likely some other mod defining worker-robots-storage or inventory-size.

4 years ago

What exactly does "Bonus-Technology" mean? I played with heavily modded games without any issues. And while i had to remove quite a lot of functionallity due to similar changes in vanilla, i dont think its deprecated.
If i get a more detailed description of the "it does not work" i can fix. Most likely some other mod defining worker-robots-storage or inventory-size.

For me, it conflicts with FactorioExtended-Logistics, which seems to clash when redefining the worker-robots-storage? I can not use them simultaneously ...

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