
Be prepared for the big monsters and other tragic events from this planet!

2 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

g Does this work with Space Explore / Nightfall mod.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Hey so does this work with the Space Exploration mod? AKA spawn on other planets? Or just the starter? Setting to turn on / off other planets? We've not gotten to space so can only assume other planets have bitters.
As well as the "Nightfall" mod? It should change bitter AI so not sure if that would effect yours.

Also not sure if it's meant to but had human attackers and big boss spitter spawn with each other. Kinda odd having humans attack with bitters. They also where a odd random rainbow of colors. It also has spawned with distractor drones. Which is...neat.

We ended up removing the mod after it getting it 2 more times. Not to sound salty we like it overall. Just can't play it with that spitter.
Speaking of that big spitter, forget that thing. xD That things range needs to be a lot less IMO. It was out ranging flame turrets by least 15 titles maybe more. I had to reload a save there was no way for us to kill that thing even on 1 difficulty setting. The big boss bitter wrecks some of the base but least it's a semi fair fight. You made us start allocating light oil to get that extra 10% on our flame turrets to help deal with them. Along with more gun turrets, and 2nd layer of back walls behind that. :D
Should match turrets, the big worm should be the "siege" one. Or a middle ground where it has say, 20 range so it will outrange gun but not laser / flame?

2 years ago

It works with SE. Big monsters has remote controls for adding new surfaces for attacks, but only nauvis is enabled by default. It should be compatible with nightfall.
Good to know youre scared by the spitter. It looks like the mod is working as intended =D

2 years ago

It works with SE. Big monsters has remote controls for adding new surfaces for attacks, but only nauvis is enabled by default. It should be compatible with nightfall.

So do attacks only happen on the surface you're currently on?

2 years ago

It works with SE. Big monsters has remote controls for adding new surfaces for attacks, but only nauvis is enabled by default. It should be compatible with nightfall.

So do attacks only happen on the surface you're currently on?

It happens on Nauvis by deafult. Being you there or not. If you use team competition for eg, it will happen on all homeworlds from all teams

2 years ago

It works with SE. Big monsters has remote controls for adding new surfaces for attacks, but only nauvis is enabled by default. It should be compatible with nightfall.

So do attacks only happen on the surface you're currently on?

It happens on Nauvis by deafult. Being you there or not. If you use team competition for eg, it will happen on all homeworlds from all teams

Could we possibly get an option for that? It's immersive to have attacks happen on Nauvis while you're off-world, but distracting and not fun.

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