I see, thanks for quick reply.
I've checked the code for biterzilla and I could see what you're trying to do. and balancing around end-user's complaint would be silly things to do.
Still, 1.5mil hp at 0.3 is too much while at 0.88 (I'm currently at) it was trivial (I use aai) and I can't see it would do much with 2mil, 2.5mil etc.. So my follow up proposal is to add a new setting variable. Similar to BIGHPMult it may go like this:
type = "double-setting",
name = "bm-big-enemy-hp-variant",
setting_type = "startup",
default_value = 1,
minimum_value = 0.2,
maximum_value = 4,
order = "?"
where current formula is:
max_health = (1000000 + L*500000) * BIGHPMult
it may then look like:
max_health = (1000000 + L^BIGHPVariance * 500000) * BIGHPMult / BIGHPVariance
The rationale is with this variable, end-user can control how much the lvl 5/4 boss more/less stronger than lvl 1.
as example with 'low variance' of 0.2 it will result in 7.5mil for lvl 1, and 8.4mil for lvl 5. (can be lowered with bighpmult, good reason to lower the allowed value to 0.1/0.01)
calculation of 0.2
with 'high variance' of 4 it will result in 375K for lvl 1, but whopping 78mil for lvl 5 or 32mil for lvl 4 (Idk which one is max lvl)
calculation of 4
the best part about the formula is that at default value of 1, it will give the same value as currently implemented (for backward compatibility I supposed?)
calculation of 1
presuming lvl 3 boss this is how much hp it would have among the value settings (check x = 1.0 as point of references)
calculation of x value for lvl 3
I probably use these settings at 0.5evo (post-vehicle) for personal game:
personal value
P.S. i cut 3 zeros for better visibility.
also considering it was 0.9 in the past, the lvl 2 boss and the next is still implemented around it i.e 0.92, 0.94 etc, It would be interesting if you could pull those earlier too or implemented some adjustable settings for it.
Even though this mod supposed to be terrifying, I think giving fighting chance is great added value in itself, the best examplar for this is the implementation of brutal biters. at 0.2, they rip most defense I had and I always need to participate in the battle myself, they shook me everytime they come out instead of others. The invasion is a hit or miss, early game when I need to deal sniper pre-vehicle is torture, now they're trivial (due to AI car).
For the volcano, I'm not sure whether you want to lower the value of evo or buff it, but I think in combination with spitting out brutal biters and the volcano itself being indestructible (stop after some time i.e. 30sec /1min) at 0.4evo, it would be devastating but doable. Currently even single plain turret able to shut it off before anything happen.
Anyway, thanks for the great work of a mod.