
Be prepared for the big monsters and other tragic events from this planet!

2 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

i Anyway to limit how close to buildings enemies spawn?

3 years ago

I love your mods, and this mod adds a nice challenge. But when enemies spawn inside my base, right next to something I just finished building, it feels dirty. Is there any way to say only spawn the underground holes if there isn't a building within 20 spots or something? If I leave a giant spot open inside my base, I should be attacked there, but it spawning between buildings, I just don't know how to get there quickly to prevent massive loss.

Or maybe add a building/research to prevent them from spawning close to that building in particular?

As of right now, my only idea is to spam laser turrets over my whole base. And that just feels gimmicky now.

3 years ago

I feel the same way, I set the event interval to '0' and for some reason they still always spawn in my base. Even when I leave my base and travel a mile away, they still spawn in my base.

What is even weirder is that for some reason, the event interval seems to be tied to the level at which what spawns, when I set the interval to '20' to try and delay the events as much as possible, it spawns those "Gods of Hell" directly in the center of my base, they have splash damage (nuke sized AOE) so my base is instantly toasted. Whereas setting the interval to '0' seems to only spawn underground invasions, Big worms, and volcanos, all of which spawns directly in the middle of my super dense base ( cuz Ribbon World). The "Swarm" event also occurs but they rarely send that many bugs out.

3 years ago

@caleb the underground invasion is exactly what it is.. an invasion inside your base. If you dont want this event, you can change mod option to disable it or reduce chances.

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