
Be prepared for the big monsters and other tragic events from this planet!

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

g Long Range worm artillery

4 years ago

Would be nice to have some events that force the player to leave his base to deal with the threat without the threat being always in range of his defenses.

The burrowed attack is already a nice event that forces the player to move, Artillery worms could be another. they should have about the same range than the player's artillery, but be quite inaccurate.

4 years ago

Yeah thats an idea.
You like to be forced to leave the base ? Have you tried Mining space industries II ? =)

4 years ago

I saw your mod and it does look amazing, but it would require an entirely new game. I Will surely try it out, but for now, I am going with a more standard game along with your Big-Monsters mod and some other spitters mods for the flavor.

I am really glad to see that you are updating it. The events really spice up the game.

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