
Be prepared for the big monsters and other tragic events from this planet!

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

g peaceful mode

5 years ago

Is it possible to add config, that prevent them from spawning inside base (or attacking base)?

To be played on peaceful mode, and fight them only when expanding.

5 years ago

No. In factorio it is very hard to know what is "inside base" in that open world. The mod was thought to perform a real invasion, from the ground to surface. Many things will be destroyed for sure. Robots should care of the repair...

5 years ago

Is there limitation on which size land they will spawn? E.g. will they spawn on the island that is smaller than 10x10?

5 years ago

Maybe. The mod searches a random place in a chunk (32x32 area) where something was built by a player

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

That would be a good idea^ I heard biters won't expand within a 100 blocks of player entities. Anyway to implement that same idea with configurable settings? You have an awesome mod on your hands man but I feel it's just for players who want their base destroyed. Keep up the good work

Edit: maybe set it so biterzilla can only spawn from a spawner or giants worms only spawn a certain distance from exsisting biter bases and obey the expansion distance of E.g 7 chunks?
Again great mod man, I've been looking for a long time for a mod that adds massive threats like this

5 years ago

Thanks for your suggestions. Maybe I will think a way to do this for the big ones

5 years ago

That's sweet, I'm looking forward to this!

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