10.058 Error AtlasBuilder.cpp:157: Prepared sprite registrations are empty: start = 155458, to try = 0, max size = 4096, registered sprites count = 221581
10.058 Atlas: virtual = 0, flags = icon, not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification,
10.058 registration[155458]: padding = 8, dest_width = 4096, dest_height = 4096, filename = Better_Starmap_Background/graphics/icons/starmap-space.png
10.058 registration[155459]: padding = 8, dest_width = 32, dest_height = 32, filename = core/graphics/icons/mip/station-name.png
10.058 registration[155460]: padding = 8, dest_width = 32, dest_height = 32, filename = core/graphics/icons/mip/sync-mods.png
10.058 registration[155461]: padding = 8, dest_width = 128, dest_height = 128, filename = core/graphics/icons/category/tiles-editor.png
10.058 registration[155462]: padding = 8, dest_width = 64, dest_height = 64, filename = core/graphics/icons/tip.png
10.058 Error Util.cpp:81: No pictures to put in atlas.