Better Bots Technologies

Adds more technologies for roboports and robots, including additional roboports charge pads and expanded bot power cells. Instead of giving them out for free like many other mods, this one strives to blend into the existing game balance.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18
Logistic network

b Pcall in editor/cheat

4 years ago

I have encountered an error in the factorio 0.17. I created a new world enabled cheats and editor to allow me to test builds. however when you place a roboport down in editor then return to non-editor you receive a constant error
If you delete the roboport the error remains and the power area is still displayed. This is my first factorio bud report so if you need more info please let me know. :)

4 years ago

Correction: when a roboport is placed via blueprint. I think it is placing a vanilla roboport rather than a upgraded one.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)


Thanks for your report. What do you mean with "enabled cheats and editor"? I'm sorry but I'm not familiar with this feature. If it's something that is in Factorio vanilla (not other mods) can you link a wiki article or similar so that I may have a look at it to see what is happening? Alternatively, can you detail step by step how to reproduce the bug?


4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Sorry for the Delayed reply. I mean the console commands. I start with a fresh save. open the console, enable editor "/editor" either copy or take a blueprint with any roboport in it. place it down then exit editor with "/editor".
If you need anything else please let me know.

I also encountered another bug but it could be another mod causing it. sometimes the dummy poles from the powerline research are not removed when the building is removed. This is in normal playing. I believe this sometimes happens with robots removing the roboport rather than the player.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)


I'll be testing the editor functionality in the next days to see if I'm able to reproduce the problem you are suggesting. I have a vague idea of what's happening but will need time to see if I'm correct about it.

I've seen the other thread too about dummy poles persisting on the map, which is a very sporadic thing to happen, and I've never been able to reproduce. The best solution overall is to add a functionality to check and "sanitize" the whole map when the user is reverting back to vanilla roboports, but this is going to address the symptom instead of the cause.

Can you please include a list of mods you are using when getting this issue?


4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I would totally be fine with a sanitize function to fix it for the short term!
If I revert the roboports back to vanilla then reload the game will the roboports revert back to the upgraded versions with new dummy poles?

Edit: just tested the revert option. It deletes all dummy poles associated with roboports but not the "Ghost" ones that are a problem.

Advanced Logistics System 0.6.4
Air Filtering Advanced 0.17.0
Alien Biomes 0.4.16
Auto Trash 4.2.0
Better Bots Technologies 1.3.4
Blueprint Flip and Turn 17.3.7
Bottleneck 0.10.4
Clean Conrete 1.0.3
Even Distribution 0.3.13
Factorio Standard Library 1.3.0
Factorissimo2 2.3.10
Factory Planner 0.17.73
FNEI 0.2.7
Helmod 0.9.34
LTN 1.11.9
LTN Combinator 0.5.5
LTN Tracker 0.10.9
Max Rate Calculator 3.2.30
Miniloader 1.8.5
New Game+ 3.1.2
Noxys Waterfill 0.1.5
Optera's Library 0.1.8
Power Grid Comb 0.17.3
Quarry 1.6.15
Rampant 0.17.32
Rampant Arsenal 0.17.18
Robot Attrition 0.3.8
RPG System 0.17.42
Space Exploration 0.1.149
Space Exploration Graphics 0.1.47
Space Exploration Postprocess 0.1.44
Tapeline 0.6.1
Todo List 17.3.0
Void Works 0.1.0

4 years ago

Any update by chance on the pole issue?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)


Sorry for the delay I've been busy with IRL stuff this last week.

What happens if you Reset all roboports and then remove the mod? Does it get rid of the extra power poles? As i said earlier, unfortunately I'm unable to reproduce this behaviour so I can't properly test what is happening, but removing the mod (and loading the map subsequently) should be a quick fix if those power poles are still betterbots dummy entities (if an entity on a map has no corresponding valid prototype it gets automatically deleted by the game when loading the map).

I'll be adding the reset procedure to the next update anyway because it's still a better approach to the problem than no approach at all, even if it isn't addressing the cause.


4 years ago

So if you reset all roboports and reload the game the dummy poles on actual roboports disappear properly but not the "ghost" dummy poles. if you remove the mod, then load then all dummy poles disappear.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Thanks for the test, I had to be sure the remaining poles were betterbots entities. At least now i know no other mod is messing with them directly. What's happening most probably is that for some reason roboports lose reference to their own dummy entities and they stay behind when the roboport is destroyed.

New response