Better Bots Technologies

Adds more technologies for roboports and robots, including additional roboports charge pads and expanded bot power cells. Instead of giving them out for free like many other mods, this one strives to blend into the existing game balance.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18
Logistic network

g Suggestion for addition to the Roboports.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

One thing I have always wanted was roboports which connected like the substations via a copper cable which allowed placement at max coverage distance for the logistics part of the port, not max distance as in construction bot distance. Also the ports would transmit power just like the substations do and to compensate for this increased functionality the recipe would require approximately the same number of substations as it would to normally cover the area.

6 years ago


I've been suggested already to change the recipe cost of roboports, but that isn't something easily doable since the recipes are loaded during the prototype stage. I'd need a new recipe for each stage of the roboport upgrade, and even then I'm not sure i can hide the unused ones once they are obsolete (I don't want people to be able to build old versions of the roboports instead of the current one! :D )

About the length of the wire, or the power field coverage, I went with those values because I felt those were achieving a good compromise: they are a useful feature but they don't actually break the game making any other way of distributing power obsolete.

Initially I didn't even want a power field tech, because tbh it was only a matter of placing a power pole near the roboport, but it made for a nice tier 2 technology and had its applications in remote outposts or, for example, alongside railroads. If you needed better power coverage, you could use the classic means of energy transportation starting from the roboport and this was already a nice feature.

Also, there are some technical issues I found while making the wired roboport tech about how the game handles the copper wiring: even if I wanted it's impossible to have such length on wires (and also: wire connections are distance-based, or round, while logistic areas are squares etc)

Due to some technical issues and balance concerns, I'm unable to wire roboports further away, or extend their power field more than this. It's also impossible (to the best of my knowledge) to change their recipe cost mid-game since it must be defined in the prototype stage and prototypes can't be changed once the game is loaded (this is by dev-team design)


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