Extended Vanilla: Personal Equipment

A complete overhaul to the ordinary personal vanilla equipment, this mod(pack) adds several tiers and types equipments, even custom ones, like personal assembling units and backpacks, that boost your crafting speed and inventory. You can change multiplel parameters of most items. Compatible with Krastorio 2 and jetpack from Earendel.

3 months ago
0.15 - 2.0
Combat Armor

b Bag For Jetpack fly

10 months ago

I did saw now this Armor all with Equipment list Bag slot is bug with jetpack. when key J fly them goen Bag slot down all.

this Inventory Slot +10, 20, 30 with Jetpack turn fly and Slot gone from -10, -20 and -30.

Thank For Mod make. Hope Test Get go Mod Jetpack and this. try use test

6 months ago

Sorry mate, but I really didn't understand what is the problem here. Can you repeat please? :/

6 months ago
(updated 6 months ago)

I think what they are trying to say is that the mod is incompatible with the Jetpack mod by Earendel. The issue is that when you have any of the inventory expansion items in the equipment grid and you starting flying with the jetpack the Inventory expansion items no longer work.

The game doesn't crash like the previous issue that I seen in the Discussions with the jetpack mod.

6 months ago

I have the exact same issue, to use some pictures from me using the Krastorio jetpack as an example:

Before turning on the jetpack:

And after:

Note the console messages and the stuff littered on the ground that you can see in the bottom. Basically entirely resets inventory space to the default until I remove and replace all the backpacks.

5 months ago

I'll give a watch then, probably there's a problem when both control.lua(s) of the two mods kick in.

4 months ago

Is this still an issue in factorio 2.0 guys?

3 months ago

Guess it's a no.

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