
This mod allows you to route belts and pipes automatically: 1. Put the starting belt and ending belt on ground first, 2. then select the starting belt with ctrl+right-click and 3. select a ending belt with ctrl+left-click. 4. Boom, belt ghosts are created!

2 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g [By Author] Looking for maintainer of the mod

1 year, 5 months ago

2 years ago, I developed this mod as my personal hobby. I'm happy to see that this mod is loved by so many people. I really want to thank everybody who love this mod and those who gave precious suggestions and bug reports to this mod.

after that, I left my previous company and joined a new fast-paced company.

Recently I'm super busy with my day-to-day works, but I don't want to leave this small project un-maintained. Therefore, I'm looking for a new mod maintainer who is capable of maintaining this mod and love this game.

If you would like to participate, please write a short intro to yourself below, preferably with your GitHub link so that I can (peek your projects) add you as co-owner of the repo.

New response