
This mod allows you to route belts and pipes automatically: 1. Put the starting belt and ending belt on ground first, 2. then select the starting belt with ctrl+right-click and 3. select a ending belt with ctrl+left-click. 4. Boom, belt ghosts are created!

2 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

b Double belts

3 years ago

Double belts mods not works!
please add

3 years ago

Don't know which mod you are referring to?

If it's double width belt, I can't fix it because it's too much game-changing that's not aligned to original belt specification.

You can try waypoint mode if you want to route multiple belts at the same time.

3 years ago

thanks! testing bug

3 years ago

No problem :)

2 years ago

What was the double belts mod btw?

New response