
This mod allows you to route belts and pipes automatically: 1. Put the starting belt and ending belt on ground first, 2. then select the starting belt with ctrl+right-click and 3. select a ending belt with ctrl+left-click. 4. Boom, belt ghosts are created!

2 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g In prefer above ground mode, terminate belts at nearest possible point.

3 years ago

The desired result is on the bottom, the current result is on top. This might be done by calculating each underground segment using the underground cost(so 6x the cost for a full length yellow, 8x for red, and 10x for blue. 1 for each end and 1 for each underground segment) rather than just the ends themselves.

3 years ago

I don't think people want this? The current version saves more belts and allows more transport lines to pass through. I remember there are also people posted on discussion that wanted the result on top rather than bottom.

3 years ago

I think it looks cleaner.

3 years ago

Hmmm okay, will add a setting for this in future

3 years ago

Thanks! You may be the most responsive dev in the history of devs. Even more than the Factorio devs themselves.

3 years ago

No problem :) 1.3.3 now supports settings to the preference

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hello. Sorry to bring this back up, but I have noticed that some configurations result in incorrect underground length, even with the option set correctly:
(in this example, the first two spaces of underground length should be above ground.)

3 years ago

Hmm interesting, I guess it's because when the algorithm found a connecting point to the ending belt, it stops finding better cost paths..

Thanks for the info, I might fine-tune the algorithm somehow in following days.

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