
This mod allows you to route belts and pipes automatically: 1. Put the starting belt and ending belt on ground first, 2. then select the starting belt with ctrl+right-click and 3. select a ending belt with ctrl+left-click. 4. Boom, belt ghosts are created!

2 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

i Beltrouter interacting with Beltlayer

3 years ago

Was wanting to know if this could be updated to be compatible with Beltlayer if possible. IF I route the two underground connections in the normal above ground area it stops after 10000 iterations and says it can't find a suitable path. If I hit control B and set the start and end point with the two underground connections there it will crash to main menu with a gigantic lists of errors. It says Beltrouter is crashing and not Beltlayer, I then tried to add a belt section to the end and beginning and used those as the start and endpoints and it still crashed. We aren't talking a convoluted start and endpoint either. It was a straight shot with no obstacles and crashed. Thank you for your time! I know it is not your place to try to make the mod compatible with other mods. I was just curious what was actually happening causing it not to work, it might not be a simple fix.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

This would be the ultimate mod duo for clean looking factories however... If you got this working... These two mods should be in the base game lol. And I am not saying it is your fault they don't work together. It is very likely that there is some kind of weird interaction or janky code with the way he has done it. Because it doesn't actually place ghosts down. When you are in that underground area view you are allowed to place Belt down wherever and I don't think construction bots or the player avatar can interact in that secondary area that is supposed to be the underground.

3 years ago

Ahh I don't know about BeltLayer, but from the mod description it seems that the mod can let underground belt change direction. In the current algorithm, the mod won't consider a underground belt to be "turnable". So sorry I'm actually not sure how to fix this :(

If more people are requesting this feature, I can take a look at BeltLayer's source code and see if this can be done.

3 years ago

Appreciate the response my man, if it is too much of a hassle or not feasible in the API I understand. This is more of just a wishful request because it could truly allow someone to jump in and play and make progress without having to plan out every step. just having a giant maze of underground belts that work perfectly lol. Still I appreciate you taking the time to respond. Hopefully one day it will work or be supported! Cheers ^^

3 years ago

I would love to see beltlayer compatability with beltrouter.

3 years ago

After some investigation, I feel that it would be technically too costly (maybe several months of work) to add support with beltlayer :(

Sorry for that

New response