
This mod allows you to route belts and pipes automatically: 1. Put the starting belt and ending belt on ground first, 2. then select the starting belt with ctrl+right-click and 3. select a ending belt with ctrl+left-click. 4. Boom, belt ghosts are created!

2 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Pathfinder fail in some cases.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

The pathfinder fails in cases like this:
To clarify: the pathfinder cannot find the path on the right (it is there to demonstrate what should happen).

On a side note, what exactly is the greediness setting? It doesn't seem to change anything.

3 years ago

Thanks for reporting, I'll look into this.

On a side note, what exactly is the greediness setting?

Greediness, in an easy and general way of saying, is "Compare to the optimal shortest path, how much longer at maximum do you accept the path finer to find."

So 1.1 greediness equals accepting path that is 10% longer than optimal path, and less equal than 1 greediness equals to only accepting optimal path.

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