Automatic Train Painter

Automatically colors locomotives and wagons based on their contents.

a month ago
0.17 - 2.0

i [Colors added] Add Pressurized Fluids

3 years ago

Can you add in colors for 'Pressurized fluids'?

Easiest would be just the same colors as already existing fluids since you already support nearly all vanilla and modded fluids already. Fluid names are just 'high-pressure-<liquid>'

Not as big a deal (as I don't train barrels) but as it's likely only an additional condition to add the same colors for the high pressure barrels. Names are just 'high-pressure-<liquid>-barrel'

3 years ago


3 years ago

Holy crap that was fast!

3 years ago

Yep! Like you said, it's just replacing the one string, which actually worked for both mods. An easy add.

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