Asteroid Mining

by Silari

Allows sending rockets into space to mine for asteroid bits, which can be refined into raw materials for infinite ores. Includes all 5 vanilla ores, plus Bob's Ores and Angel's support. Now with partial Krastorio 2 support. Advanced Mode (in beta) allows generating resource patches for mining using gathered materials, with rates based on the ore generation settings of the surface. Support for multiple surfaces is included, along with Space Exploration support.

a month ago
1.0 - 2.0

i [DONE] Mining productivity bonus affecting asteroid mining?

4 years ago

Pretty much what the title says. It would be nice if there's a setting that makes mining productivity affect the asteroid mining drill. Perhaps with a reduced base mining value to compensate so it requires at least (X) amount of mining productivity research for it to become sustainable?

4 years ago

Game doesn't allow applying mining productivity to recipes, and the results of the rocket silo have to be set during game start - you can't modify it mid-game. I MIGHT be able catch the rocket event and add more to the silo based on the bonus; I'll have to check.

Doubt I'll nerf the output if I get it working though. As it is, launches are completely ~105% sustainable (except for oil) without using any productivity modules in anything. Just adding prod mods in the silo ups that to ~150% return on costs.

4 years ago

Alright fair enough.

Optera's Deep Mine does add productivity based on mining productivity research:

They do that in a way where it checks for research and add an invisible productivity beacon effect. I didn't know why they did it like that but now with your explanation, it makes sense. I can understand if you'd rather not do it the way Optera did it.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I was wondering this too. I think there should be a research available to increase yields of the asteroids just like mining productivity. However if this is not doable with the current api, perhaps a different approach could be taken? Such as increasing the amount of returned smaller asteroid chunks when processed from 3-5 to add +1 extra per level of research.

3 years ago

Whenever I get around to doing all the work a future version is planned to work differently, and actually generate mineable deposits periodically instead of a one time launch. At that point mining productivity would work normally as it'd be mined. No ETA on that though since it's a lot of work and GUI stuff to go through.

3 years ago

The plan you're expressing seems quite promising. While I'm looking forward to it, it's important to take the time you need so that it stays fun to work on it instead of feeling like you need to meet "demands". The work modders like you do for free should never be put under pressure by us.

2 years ago

Bumping this for great justice. I know there was no ETA on your plan. It's been a year and I am hoping you have some information for us. In the post-late-game, the asteroid mining becomes less and less useful compared to using a mining drill with 500 researches of mining productivity as explained before. I'm still looking forward to your version of making it scale with mining productivity.

2 years ago

Well I ended up writing the core logic back in July, but then I was homeless for a few months so not much work got done on it since. As it is, you can make mining modules, send them up in a rocket, and ores will steadily accumulate in orbit until called down to an Asteroid Targeter, which uses it to spawn resource entities. At that point they're mined normally with a miner, so productivity applies.

Another advantage of this system over the old is that any (non-liquid, non-infinite, 1 tile) resource that spawns on a surface can be supported automatically. No more hand adding every resource.

Hasn't been balanced at all, techs exist but aren't placed/priced properly, no GUI so info only comes from /asteroid command, interfaces haven't been added for better cross-mod support, basically EVERYTHING needs new sprites, and a crap ton of testing still needs to be done, but it's technically playable.

The old method that 0.9 uses is still available - there's startup settings for basic and advanced mode, basic being the old and advanced being the new.

Now that things are settled again might get back into it and see about getting it polished enough for a release.

2 years ago

Sorry to hear about your struggles. Also sounds promising so, thank you for the update!

2 years ago

New version is up. Advanced Mode is off by default and still a beta, but is playable. Still needs a lot of finishing work for graphics, and none of the remote interfaces currently exist, but the core logic is all there and running. Send mining modules up to orbit, they generate ores which are spawned near the asteroid targeters and mined normally, productivity bonus included. There is a GUI to show what assets exist for the surface - though I'm not sure if I finished the code to show it for other surfaces than nauvis. Definitely didn't test it. The /asteroid command should work for whatever surface the player is on though.

Resource entities from other mods should just work, provided they are non-liquid, non-infinite, and possibly not larger than 1x1 tile. There's an option whether or not to include resources that require liquids to mine (like uranium ore).

2 years ago

That's some great work. Thank you for your continued support. Modders often don't get the credit they deserve for doing this for free in their own spare time, so I want to emphasize my appreciation for your efforts!

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