Asteroid Mining

by Silari

Allows sending rockets into space to mine for asteroid bits, which can be refined into raw materials for infinite ores. Includes all 5 vanilla ores, plus Bob's Ores and Angel's support. Now with partial Krastorio 2 support. Advanced Mode (in beta) allows generating resource patches for mining using gathered materials, with rates based on the ore generation settings of the surface. Support for multiple surfaces is included, along with Space Exploration support.

25 days ago
1.0 - 2.0


Does this support Space Age?

There is 'I tried my best ok?' support for Space Age. I do not own it, so I can not test it but everything should work ok. Resource amounts are adjusted to account for the cheaper rockets as of 2.0.2, thanks to online calculators being updated.

If possible I'll attempt to restrict module use to only those planets where the resource can be obtained (ie no getting holmium from nauvis).

Sending quality modules returns quality asteroid chunks - this is unintended and will be removed when I can. At best, a production bonus will be added, otherwise this trivializes getting legendary materials.