Asphalt Roads

by Arcitos

Asphalt pavement for increased vehicle speed. Also includes tiles for lane marking (single and double lines) and various hazard areas.

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.18

i Lines as decals

5 years ago

I really love the idea of asphalt roads in Factorio and I always wanted to install your mod, but I really love both Alien Biomes and Dectorio too much. So I thought maybe you could save on tiles and just turn some of the lines into decorative decals? This way even some new features like curves could be available.

5 years ago

Thanks for your suggestion! Turning the lines into decals is unfortunately not that easy, as they would interfere with all other tiles or objects on the road and are not easy to remove if you want to replace the tiles. Blueprinting decals might also be a problem.

If you want to save on tiles: This mod let you decide which types of lines you want - if you switch some of the tiles off, you're able to use this mod together with Dectorio and Alien Biomes, i tested this.

5 years ago

7 months later and I finally made a mockup. I tested all possible combinations of connecting diagonals to straight lines and this is the one that is closest to ideal circular curves.
What do you think?

5 years ago

That looks really cool, hitzu. I started making runways for Aircraft Realism and I would really like some non-tile markings for them. I think in line with what Arcitos said, making "Lane Marking Decals" a separate mod would be best. If you only want to use the decals, you can disable all the marked tiles and just use basic asphalt from this mod.

Not sure Pavement Drive assist would be able to identify the decals, but for me that would be an advantage.

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