Asphalt Roads

by Arcitos

Asphalt pavement for increased vehicle speed. Also includes tiles for lane marking (single and double lines) and various hazard areas.

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.18

g Asphalt Roads Causes Fail to Load Error in Omnimatter

6 years ago

Asphalt Roads and causes a failed to load error in Omnimatter. "Failed to load mods:omnitmatter/data.lua:23:omnilib__/prototypes/recipe-generation.lua:665: attempt to index local 'ic' (a number value)"

6 years ago

This sounds odd. I'll check this next weekend.

6 years ago

Hi atomik,
i wasn't able to reproduce the problem. I installed Omnimatter and it worked fine together with Asphalt Roads. Are you sure that the problem you described is caused by this mod?

6 years ago

Second bug report on the same issue. Removing Asphalt solved the problem.

6 years ago

Could you add an optional dependency on omnimatter (3.0.1 is the current) to control load order? I did that locally and now everything works.

Something you do messes up omnimatters' massive pile of detection, but as long as you load after omnimatter it doesn't seem to care :)

6 years ago

Hi, illiander42, the problems have been probably caused by faulty declaration of variables as global. I changed this in the recent version.

New response