
Live in constant fear of your factory burning down. A forest isn't the only thing you can set on fire now. This mod makes some flammable stuff like coal on belts burn! Some items will even explode!

1 year, 6 months ago
Combat Fluids

i compatible with bz/se mods

1 year, 1 month ago

I was very surprised when, during experiments, I set fire to a conveyor with coal, but discovered that my conveyors with ingredients from bz mods (glass, silica, silicon, graphite, etc) caught fire. I found how to enable debug in the mod (please make this a separate setting, editing in the archive is very inconvenient)
and this is what I saw, let’s take glass as an example:
:172: glass ingredient sand x12
:172: sand ingredient stone x3
:172: sand ingredient stone x1
:132: recursive limit stone
:172: glass ingredient sand x28
:132: recursive limit sand
:172: glass ingredient se-pyroflux x10
:172: se-pyroflux ingredient se-core-fragment-se-vulcanite x20
:172: glass ingredient matter x7
:172: matter ingredient coal x10
:145: base coal
:172: matter ingredient copper-ore x10
:139: skipped copper-ore
:172: matter ingredient iron-ore x10
:139: skipped iron-ore
:172: matter ingredient stone x10
:132: recursive limit stone
:172: matter ingredient uranium-ore x10
:212: 0.5 ITEM glass
looks like something that is used in theory as an auxiliary material (fuel during smelting (se-pyroflux),) is taken as a “pure” ingredient
and this is a big problem because bz changes a lot of recipes, for example now concrete or roboport is on fire....

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

also, please, add a line in the settings where you can enter items/liquids that need to be ignored (I think runtime-global is suitable for the first time, just add a note that it requires a restart of the map, in the future you will often add an event to change it)

1 year, 17 days ago

I'm thinking of a better way to solve that. There is a lot of UX issues with just making that a strings input in the settings and most users probably won't read logs and look up the proper item names to use it.
I can make that setting a thing but ideally I would also want it to be fixed in the mod instead of relying on users to fix it themselves.
Which mods are you using exactly so I can reproduce this?

1 year, 17 days ago

just install very bz and space exploration

1 year, 17 days ago

oh right, I remembered that the restack mod most likely generates settings on the fly, at least according to the documentation and my experience, the file describing the settings is executable.
The only thing I don’t know is how to solve the problem with localization, although this is not such a problem considering the general ability to control the behavior of the mod and the fact that the user ideally goes there only before starting a new modpack.

1 year, 16 days ago

Guess I'm doomed to writing UI for this 💀

1 year, 16 days ago
(updated 1 year, 16 days ago)

Well, in principle it doesn’t matter, I read the restack code here and didn’t find the settings being auto-generated. which is not surprising because the setting stage goes before the Prototype stage.
And I don’t understand where the problem is in writing the UI? or rather, I don’t understand why you think about this, because the settings are drawn entirely by factorio and there is nothing to change there

1 year, 16 days ago
(updated 1 year, 16 days ago)

sry, instead of editing I clicked reply

1 year, 16 days ago

All I mean is that if I want some way for users to manage the flammability of items in case of weird recipes like in BZ, I rather do it properly with some custom UI instead of forcing the user to read the logs and paste the item names into some string setting :P

1 year, 16 days ago

good idea, the only thing that scares me is desynchronization that can occur due to custom logic, so I always think in the direction of simplicity

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