I was very surprised when, during experiments, I set fire to a conveyor with coal, but discovered that my conveyors with ingredients from bz mods (glass, silica, silicon, graphite, etc) caught fire. I found how to enable debug in the mod (please make this a separate setting, editing in the archive is very inconvenient)
and this is what I saw, let’s take glass as an example:
:172: glass ingredient sand x12
:172: sand ingredient stone x3
:172: sand ingredient stone x1
:132: recursive limit stone
:172: glass ingredient sand x28
:132: recursive limit sand
:172: glass ingredient se-pyroflux x10
:172: se-pyroflux ingredient se-core-fragment-se-vulcanite x20
:172: glass ingredient matter x7
:172: matter ingredient coal x10
:145: base coal
:172: matter ingredient copper-ore x10
:139: skipped copper-ore
:172: matter ingredient iron-ore x10
:139: skipped iron-ore
:172: matter ingredient stone x10
:132: recursive limit stone
:172: matter ingredient uranium-ore x10
:212: 0.5 ITEM glass
looks like something that is used in theory as an auxiliary material (fuel during smelting (se-pyroflux),) is taken as a “pure” ingredient
and this is a big problem because bz changes a lot of recipes, for example now concrete or roboport is on fire....