Armoured Biters

by CybranM

Adds a new type of enemy to the game called "Snappers" with custom sprites and animations. They're heavily armoured but slower than regular biters. This mod is compatible with most other mods.

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

g Corpse Decay

5 months ago

Hello, I love the mod and I don't really want to stop using it as its a core element in my hell+ mode play-thought and was wondering if there is a way to lower the time that it takes for the corpses to decay, right now I am almost always being attacked so the only thing you see outside of my walls in a field of dead sappers so if maybe there was away to reduce the time it takes for the corpses to decay in the settings I would be more grateful.

4 months ago

Hi, thanks for the suggestion. I'll take a look at it hopefully this weekend

4 months ago

Yeah, I see the problem
The crux is that the original biters have a "fading out" decay sheet which I don't have. I'll look into making something equivalent, might just be a simple fadeout though.

I'm still short on time but will update the mod when I can

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