Armoured Biters

by CybranM

Adds a new type of enemy to the game called "Snappers" with custom sprites and animations. They're heavily armoured but slower than regular biters. This mod is compatible with most other mods.

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

b Corpe override bug

4 years ago

you need to add this function in animation.lua

function add_biter_armoured_die_animation(scale, tint1, tint2, corpse)
corpse.animation = biterarmoureddieanimation(scale, tint1, tint2)
corpse.dying_speed = 0.04
corpse.time_before_removed = 15 * 60 * 60
corpse.direction_shuffle = { { 1, 2, 3, 16 }, { 4, 5, 6, 7 }, { 8, 9, 10, 11 }, { 12, 13, 14, 15 } }
corpse.shuffle_directions_at_frame = 7
corpse.final_render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow"

corpse.ground_patch_render_layer = "decals" -- "transport-belt-integration"
corpse.ground_patch_fade_in_delay = 1 / 0.02 -- in ticks; 1/dying_speed to delay the animation until dying animation finishes
corpse.ground_patch_fade_in_speed = 0.002
corpse.ground_patch_fade_out_start = 50 * 60
corpse.ground_patch_fade_out_duration = 20 * 60

local a = 1
local d = 0.9
corpse.ground_patch =
sheet =
filename = "base/graphics/entity/biter/blood-puddle-var-main.png",
flags = { "low-object" },
line_length = 4,
variation_count = 4,
frame_count = 1,
width = 84,
height = 68,
shift = util.by_pixel(1, 0),
tint = {r = 0.6 * d * a, g = 0.1 * d * a, b = 0.6 * d * a, a = a},
scale = scale,
hr_version =
filename = "base/graphics/entity/biter/hr-blood-puddle-var-main.png",
flags = { "low-object" },
line_length = 4,
variation_count = 4,
frame_count = 1,
width = 164,
height = 134,
shift = util.by_pixel(-0.5,-0.5),
tint = {r = 0.6 * d * a, g = 0.1 * d * a, b = 0.6 * d * a, a = a},
scale = 0.5 * scale
return corpse

rename line 3 to biterarmoureddieanimation

and in data.lua rename add_biter_die_animation to add_biter_armoured_die_animation

4 years ago

sorry it took a while but the mod is now updated with a separate death anim function, thanks for the help!

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