Armoured Biters

by CybranM

Adds a new type of enemy to the game called "Snappers" with custom sprites and animations. They're heavily armoured but slower than regular biters. This mod is compatible with most other mods.

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

b Failed To Load 0.18

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Hello! I tried installing your great looking mod but I got this sprite load error:

"The given sprite rectangle (left_top=0x0, right_bottom=64x64) is outside the actual sprite size (left_top=0x0, right_bottom=32x32). If this being used as an icon you may need to define the icon_size property,: _ ArmouredBiters _/graphics/icons/behemoth-armoured-biter.png"

EDIT: I forgot to include that it asked me if I wanted to disabled the listed mods, which were creative mod, dectorio, and flare stack. So I did let it disable those and then it worked. Then I enabled flare stack mod and it worked. Then dectorio mod, and it worked. Lastly I enabled the creative mod and then the same error came up as before. So I can only conclude that creative mod is the culprit. I wasn't using it for this play through anyways so I just disabled it and it all worked fine.

5 years ago

Also changelog is not configured well, inside factorio is not readable

5 years ago

Hi, I'm glad it wasn't my mod that broke it up for you! All of the icons have their sizes defined with an "icon_size" so I'm not sure why it'd give you that error even if it was another mod that caused it.

@Linver, there was indeed a mistake in the changelog but it should be working with the new update, thanks for pointing it out!

5 years ago

Yeah I saw in data.lua that they were all defined with "icon_size" so that's what prompted me to disable the others and troubleshoot individually. I'll have to submit a report to the Creative-Mod and see what's up with this weird interaction with other mods.

Also, your mod has been great fun! These biters really dented by defenses, had to crank up them turrets hah. The only suggestion I have is if the snapper's colors could match the other enemies. I'm not sure if that's intentional but they seem just a bit out of place and don't "fit in" being way darker. their claws are distinguishable enough even from far away so if the colors matched the regular biters I think it could look better. But great mod all around!

5 years ago

I'm glad you like the mod!
Yeah, I struggled quite a bit with the colours and I'm not entirely satisfied with how they turned out. The problem is how the different masks work and interact with each other. I did a lot of iterations but couldn't quite make them match the original biters look.

New response