Adds a new type of enemy to the game called "Snappers" with custom sprites and animations. They're heavily armoured but slower than regular biters. This mod is compatible with most other mods.
Failed to load mods: Path CybranM_ArmouredBiter/graphics/armoured-biter/HighRes/hr-armoured-biter-attack-01.png does not match any enabled mod.: CybranM_ArmouredBiter/graphics/armoured-biter/HighRes/hr-armoured-biter-attack-01.png
Mods to be disabled:
note that Rampant loads just fine, only says this when this mod is active. (also tried disabling the Hovercrafts mod as well but i was gonna remove that anyways.)
Hi CybranM,
this error isn't related to Rampant, seems that u have renamed the mod from "CybranM_ArmouredBiter" to "ArmouredBiter" without update the paths of sprites, I have update the paths in data.lua and animation.lua files for u in the following links (I will remove the files when u have update the mod for respect ur licence, or u can ask me to remove them immediately):
I suggest u to use relative/composed paths in future for update quickly renaming or folders chaning.