Armoured Biters

by CybranM

Adds a new type of enemy to the game called "Snappers" with custom sprites and animations. They're heavily armoured but slower than regular biters. This mod is compatible with most other mods.

19 days ago
0.17 - 2.0
This mod 2 From other mods 129
Dependency types:
Default 91 Required 69 Conflict 0 Optional 47 Hidden 13
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 291K
hmm-c-enemies >= 1.1.6 3.93K
nach0_modpack_k2 2.89K
martincitopants-space-modpack-no_hr 2.15K
Cractorio_pack_optional 1.90K
space-modpack 1.85K
martincitopants-space-modpack 1.65K
martincitopants-stream-modpack 1.62K
martincitopants-space-modpack-seoh-fixed 1.39K
Alien-Chaos-modpack 1.21K
Vanilla-plus-modpack 1.03K
MatrixDJ96-Marsh-AngelBobs-Modpack >= 1.1.4 665
se-alkharid-mod-pack >= 1.1.6 551
pyae_islands_pack 420
korhal-modpack-k2se 387
rogue_engineer 359
all-are-welcome-amongus >= 1.2.0 293
InsaneModpack >= 1.1.1 252
xboxxxxd_modpack 226
N-militarypack 210
space-modpack-Snacklee-Fork 165
lordiii-space-exploration >= 1.1.9 148
Warptorio2_AB_Factorissimo2_Merge >= 1.1.9 144
korhal-modpack-bobangel 134
beyond-vanilla-extended >= 1.1.9 106
MatrixDJ96-Marsh-AngelBobs-Modpack-PATCH >= 1.1.4 101
viktorious_modpack >= 1.1.9 98
BeSeFe 84
jcrneep-space-modpack 83
space-modpack-mewthecrazy 83
landairandseas-modpack 77
CRC_Autism 75
Salis_warptorio_plus_qol_pack 72
HopefulFiresModpack 60
ratte-random >= 1.1.9 57
space_krastorio_2_fine_experience >= 1.0.0 48
geekbattery-ocean-pvp 48
geekbattery-exotic-stuff 48
Desolation >= 1.1.9 40
redhats-modpack 34
sole-survivor 34
salocraft 33
craftytorio >= 1.2.1 31
kermitihouqlfmodpack >= 1.1.5 29
krastorio2-branko = 0.18.3 24
sborochka-kot 24
Swiftdrake 22
test_adams_mod >= 1.1.1 22
klohgers-chaos-pack >= 1.1.6 21
rafal-rubaj-modpack 20
BigMonDs-Vanilla-Plus >= 0.18.2 16
PugnaciousPack 8
darktorio 8
Rampant 124K
RampantFixed 31.2K
Big-Monsters 29.2K
exotic-industries-modpack 15.2K
enemyracemanager 13.6K
warptorio2_expansion 11.1K
Mining-Space-Industries-II >= 1.1.6 9.57K
Warptorio2_Language_Pack >= 1.1.0 4.21K
Warp-Drive-Machine 4.05K
Faster_Fading_Corpses 2.88K
biter-power 2.44K
Hive_Mind_MitchPlay >= 1.1.6 2.37K
Cractorio_pack 2.33K
combat-tweaks-improvements >= 1.1.8 1.83K
AngryBiters >= 1.1.9 1.80K
RichBlood >= 1.1.5 1.61K
Any_Japanise_Pack >= 1.1.9 1.61K
TjCuteBiters >= 1.2.0 1.43K
SkyBigMonsters 1.29K
gore 961
Any_Title_Japanise_Pack 560
SkyWaveDefense 546
Leviathan_Biters 510
biter-factory >= 1.1.9 415
N_biters_in_1 384
LaziestModPack 336
Hive_Mind_MitchPlay_Beta >= 1.1.6 298
Hive_Mind_MitchPlay_revise >= 1.1.6 262
MultiModJapaneseLanguagePack >= 1.1.8 198
Ainssembly 98
mods-en-gb 61
pcnm-multi-patch 45
cssa-last-stand 37
kill_count_combinator 9
Minewolf_rampant 8
Dampant 6
gaurdein-vanilla 5
Last dependency data update: 16 hours ago (for v1.2.1)