Armor pockets

Equipment that increases inventory capacity.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

i Settings

5 years ago

Maybe add settings to the mod so we can change the number of slots added?

5 years ago

I will look into adding this soon. I myself have been thinking of changing it to 5 slots per armor pocket. I hadn't changed it from the original mod, but I usually change it on my own version once downloaded.

Adding it to a settings could be the best way to go about it.
Thank you for you the suggestion

5 years ago

Cool,really like the mod!!!
Btw do armor pockets store electricity like battery's?

5 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

They do, but it is a very small amount of power. The entity type is battery equipment. I could set it to zero I am sure. Again, I didn't make any changes when I updated the mod to 0.17.

I am open to any suggestions though.

5 years ago

nah it's ok i just wondered if it was an error or not,but if you have the time maybe you could put a check box in settings enabling or disabling this feature to, reason being everyone can tailor it to their own liking, maybe add an indicator if it;s enabled like the standard battery has

5 years ago

What exactly would you like regarding the battery use of them? Their current power capacity is so low it is all but useless. Do you want the option for them to act as batteries too? I'm not sure that is the idea of this mod, but can add it as an option if really wanted.

In my mind, they are supposed to be a trade off for their added inventory space, adding true battery storage would negate a bit of the trade off. More inventory space and take up space in armor grid that could be used for other things such as more batteries.

5 years ago

Aha i must have misunderstood you then, so the power in the Armor pocket does nothing?, what happens if it runs out?

5 years ago

Nothing happens when it runs out. It still adds the inventory slots no matter what. Using the battery entity is just the way the armor pocket is added into the game and made to work.

I have set the power storage to zero so it doesn't store any power now.

5 years ago

Cool, got confused there for a minute! :D

5 years ago

No problem. New update is out with the startup settings to change the number of inventory slots added per armor pocket.

Thanks again for the suggestion! I'm always open to new ideas.

5 years ago

Great Thx!!!

5 years ago

Working great! thx again :)

5 years ago

Actually has a issue, but I am working it out now and will push the update very soon.

5 years ago

Fixed and pushed. Thanks

5 years ago

Thank you mister Wizard :)

New response