Armor pockets

Equipment that increases inventory capacity.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Crash to main Menu

5 years ago

It crashed to main menu when i tried to craft light armor (in Campaign did not try it in free play)

MainLoop.cpp:1173: Exception at tick 4244123: The mod Armor pockets caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Armor_pockets::on_player_armor_inventory_changed (ID 35)
real number expected got nil.
stack traceback:
Armor_pockets/control.lua:74: in function <Armor_pockets/control.lua:68>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'get_inventory'
Armor_pockets/control.lua:74: in function <Armor_pockets/control.lua:68>

5 years ago

Same error on my game

5 years ago

Yes, I apologize for this issue. It is due to recent changes with the API in 0.17.35. I hope to have an update out very soon to resolve this problem.

5 years ago

Once again I'm sorry for the delay. Update is out and it should be working as intended.

Let me know if you have any issues.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Hi...thx for taking the time to fix this
But there are still problems

There is a conflict with "Shortcuts" mod i think

Update: Seems it's only the Shortcuts mod causing problems! sorry for the post!!!

Error MainLoop.cpp:1173: Exception at tick 2538: The mod Shortcuts caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Shortcuts::on_player_armor_inventory_changed (ID 35)
real number expected got nil.
stack traceback:
Shortcuts/control.lua:13: in function 'update_armor'
Shortcuts/control.lua:157: in function 'reset_state'
Shortcuts/control.lua:365: in function <Shortcuts/control.lua:363>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'get_inventory'
Shortcuts/control.lua:13: in function 'update_armor'
Shortcuts/control.lua:157: in function 'reset_state'
Shortcuts/control.lua:365: in function <Shortcuts/control.lua:363

5 years ago

Wasn't a problem I just forgot to update this one...

And yes line 13 in Shortcuts control.lua needs to be updated.
local power_armor = player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.player_armor)
Should be
local power_armor = player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_armor)

New response