
Grow your own trees! Automate wood production or grow your own forests.

5 years ago
0.14 - 0.17

g Any other use for seeds?

4 years ago

Actually seeds are used only for make saplings that are "mulched" to wood and new seeds.
On long games seeds become a bit too much to be even only stored.
Can be a good suggestion to have seeds on some other recipe, maybe handcrafted?
Maybe used for make some sort of "vegetable fish" for game purpose?
Just an idea I've matured having somewhat like 10.000.000 seeds of various trees in my logistic storage area...

4 years ago

After a thought, it is better tell that I know seeds can be used as fuel, but there are not too way to use them as fuel other than veicles and I dont use a so high amount of them for burn all seeds I've collected.

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