Alternative Starts

by Vas

Gives you some options for some alternative starts, use Mod Settings to select which one you want otherwise you will default to base game start.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

g Rails?

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Add something like Trains?!

Enables all tech nessessary to build trains, signals and trainstops.
I am going to try this mod when I start my next playthrough :)

Really like the Idea of your Mod.

6 years ago

I haven't messed with enabling tech yet.

I am considering adding some low tech robot stuff though to give early game bots without enabling a whole lot of tech.

I'll look into trains, its a little difficult right now to add more stuff because of the quick bar limit and things getting cut off when too many things try to get added to it.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

You could add a chest at the spawning location with a few thousand rails, some locomotives, cargo wagons, train stops and signals. And maybe even spawn a chest per option, so everything will be nice and clean in the inventory ^^

Btw Iam not a modder and I respect the work you put into it. When I say you could means that I have seen other mods doing it.

6 years ago

I don't need a chest. I'm currently working on a train option, but it'll be rather basic. You won't get enough to build a network 300 miles long, after all.

Generally though, trains aren't needed for a while because spawn has plenty of materials.

6 years ago

although trains are not needed, it would be nice to be able planning the base with rails and thus being able to build tracks relatively early. i also wouldn't expect all the materials to be available for free (in a chest, or in the inventory/quickbar), but it would be nice to have some recipes enabled ahead of time before the tech tree is researched up to those items.
there is a mod for early trains (JunkTrains), but i wouldn't mind being able to use them without having to research a lot of other things first.

one other nice idea is from a mod that was just released a few days ago: start with nothing in inventory or quickbars (not even the vanilla miner/smelter/plates) and have to craft everything completely from scratch.

a third starting option that i like are nanobots. having one nanobot gun and a few hundred of nanobots (thus lots of help, but no endless supply) would speed up game start a lot by being able to use blueprints right from the start, without giving powerful bots (that can be used forever, at least until they are killed) for free.

and finally a few (or one stack) of wood might be useful, when playing on a world without any forests. there is already a mod to do this, but having many options together in one single "startup selection" mod wouldn't be bad either. depending on other mods, that would enable the first few powerpoles (to start electricity, and to research up to medium power poles which no longer need wood), or even to start some bio/tree production chain which first needs a little research and a few wood or saplings to start it.

6 years ago

For train planning, I could give you basically a single rail, and you could create rail ghosts for planning.

As for the rest, I'm still working on stuff. I'm considering something that'll just let the player join the game, and have a starting amount of "money" where he can open a UI to buy items from. I dunno yet.

Another option I'm considering is giving the user an alt option for making their own starter packs, allowing them to type into an input box
And that would be what gives them the items, or whatever.

6 years ago

agreed: rail ghosts are what you should use early game for base planning/layout

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