Alien Walls

by vedrit

Humanity has made many great advances, but still looks to nature for inspiration. Thanks to users ThaPear, ratchetfreak, Klonan, and TheBrain0110 for lots of help on the core of this mod. Great work!

1 year, 7 months ago
0.16.51 - 1.1

b Bug(?) Alien walls doesn't match new wall aesthetic and won't merge with regular walls

5 years ago

I'm assuming the intent is to have the walls match the stone walls in aesthetic and to seamlessly merge with them. Thanks.

5 years ago

When I was updating the mod, my method of just changing the colour didn't really work for the new walls, and figured that now with HR sprites being available, that it would be a great time to try and get some custom images again.

As for the walls not merging, I also noticed this and though it was actually kinda cool, and so intentionally left it in.

New response