Alien Loot Revisited

Reworked version of the 'Alien Loot Economy' mod, using new textures, icons and rebalanced items.

4 years ago

b Alien Mining Drill Bug

4 years ago

Hey there,
I don't know if it just me, but if you remove a alien mining drill you actually get nothing back, making it being pretty wasteful, since you essentially lose the resources every time you want to adjust a drill or if they are depleted.

I tried removing them with drones but they also get nothing back in return.

4 years ago

easy to fix on your own
find the mod's folder (you can find a shortcut in your installation directory, or type "%appdata%" in windows explorer nav bar and find Factorio folder)
go into AlienLootRevisited\prototype\entity\entity.lua file and find the code for the mining drill (around line 120)
add this bit:
alienMiningDrill.minable.result = "alien-mining-drill"
save and reload

4 years ago

Thanks for your response,
I checked the file and found that there already a line existing for that:

"minable = { mining_time = 1, result = "alien-mining-drill" }"

what is missing was the hardness (whatever that does) I added it but it still didn't work, then I added your line anyways and sadly it also didn't change.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong

4 years ago

Okay so I tested it again and it seems like the alien-mining-drill line is faulty in some way,
For example, if I change the health of the accumulator it works perfectly fine ingame, but if I try the same with the drill it doesn't change AND the health that it is set to (500) doesn't even appear to be the one used ingame, where it is set to 300

4 years ago

Got it to work now, I added your line in between those that come after
"local alienMiningDrill = table.deepcopy(data.raw["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"])"

Now it works, thanks again!

Still confusing that there is code that isn't used by the mod when the other 2 alien-divices use it

New response