Alien Biomes Tweaked

Tweaks the Alien Biomes mod, making optional some of its non-optional changes to vanilla gameplay. This is not the mod itself with changes, but rather a "mod of a mod". Can optionally be used with other mods that make similar changes that need undoing.

1 year, 9 months ago

i [not an issue] Solve compatibility issue between Alien Biomes and ModMash Splinter

1 year, 10 months ago
(updated 1 year, 10 months ago)

Good afternoon could you solve the bug related to the compatibility of Alien Biomes and ModMash Splinter, Underground + Subways:

Subway stations ModMash Splinter are not placed on Alien Biomes tiles.

Thank you!

1 year, 10 months ago

I'll take a look, though I'm not going to promise anything. I'm still debating if I want this to turn into a mish-mash of mod compatibility fixes or not, and it's going to depend on which mod (if either) is doing something weird.

1 year, 10 months ago

Thanks for the answer! I really wish you could do it.

btarrant - seems to have abandoned his mods. He never responded to my comment.

To fix the mistake yourself - understanding is not enough.

I saw that you are fixing some conflicts of Alien biomes, so I turned to you for help.

1 year, 10 months ago

Hi, I was able to place the subway. It took a bit to figure it out (and the help of another mod that allows me to see the inner workings of things live in game), but the subways are essentially train stations. They need to be placed on rails.

If you already knew this and this isn't the issue, then I'm not sure what the problem is. I don't see anything in Alien Biomes that should prevent their placement and, in my testing, I was able to place them on tiles from Alien Biomes.

1 year, 10 months ago

Thanks for the answer!
Quite possibly I was wrong. Since the installation of metro stations is rather confused. and the message "placement obstructed" constantly appears, which gives me the impression that there is a conflict with the tiles.

After your message, I tried to test both mods again. Indeed, the problem is not in the tiles of Alien Biomes, but in the features of the mod ModMash Splinter, Underground + Subways.

Thank you for the clarification, and I apologize for the inconvenience caused.

New response