Aircraft Realism

by haih_ys

Adds mechanics to make vehicles behave as planes. [Takeoff/Landing, Runway Requirement]

a month ago
0.17 - 2.0

g ✔️ Incompatibility - AAI Programmable Vehicles

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

There's an error between this mod and AAI Programmable Vehicles. I'm unsure what AAI Programmable vehicles does code wise, nor how to fix it, but felt it was worth noting.

194.157 Error MainLoop.cpp:1195: Exception at tick 25213936: The mod AAI Programmable Vehicles caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event aai-programmable-vehicles::on_tick (ID 0)
aai-programmable-vehicles/control.lua:2103: bad argument #2 of 3 to 'request_path' (table expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'request_path'
aai-programmable-vehicles/control.lua:2103: in function 'unit_update_state'
aai-programmable-vehicles/control.lua:3190: in function 'unit_tick'
aai-programmable-vehicles/control.lua:3227: in function 'callback'
aai-programmable-vehicles/scripts/event.lua:14: in function <aai-programmable-vehicles/scripts/event.lua:12

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

They used to work for me together over a month ago, this is probably some new version. This was only a quick basic test though, I don't remember if I even tried to force some air route.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

This specific error happened when selecting a Cargo Plane, and telling it to move anywhere. It crashed with Aircraft Realism active, and didn't crash with it removed.

5 years ago

Haven't run into any game crashes, but with AAI and AircraftRealism, the HUD never shows up, and the plane never takes off, instead just moving very quickly along the ground, and crashing into things. Planes work as expected either with AAI and no AircraftRealism, or without AAI. (Great mod though!)

5 years ago

Ok so I tried and it was weird. I got this error with only 1 plane of 3: I couldn't select cargo plane at all, and another fighter just ignored this mod altogether (I use the option to split planes by gun type), and got this error with the basic fighter. Was this reported at AAI place as well?

3 years ago

There should be no issues with the AAI versions of the planes, they are separate vehicles which are not recognized by this mod.

The issues with gauges and being unable to takeoff however is fixed as of 1.3.3

I'll mark this closed for now.

New response