Watered Air Purifier

by darthun

Adds an Air Purifier building that transforms pollution into dirty water.

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1


Q. Why should i use this pollution mod over other ones ?

A. This is the only mod that I know of where pollution is transformed into a product that you need to carefully store (effluent water). It's balanced for early and mid game, and useable in late game if you invest in alot of chemical plants. The whole pollution release mechanic can also be creatively weaponized to generate pollution away from your base.

Q. When do you update your mod ?

A. Not very often, if you get a hold of me remind me to update it !

Q. Can I get rid of the dirty water (effluent) without releasing the pollution back in the air ?

A. Yes, you can safely transform the effluent water into normal water by using a technology that is unlocked later down the tech tree. The water cleaning technology is used in a vanilla chemical plant.

Q. What am i supposed to do with all the dirty effluent ?

A. You are supposed to store it in tanks until you're able to clean it.

Q. What happens if i destroy anything containing Effluent water ?

A. If a pipe, tank or machine is destroyed with any amount of effluent inside of it, it will release the corresponding amount of pollution back in the air on the spot where the object was destroyed.

Q. What is the pollution conversion ratio ?

A. The ratio is meant to be helpful, but balanced. 1x air purifier cleans 3x chemical plants worth of pollution.

Q. What is the water cleaning ratio ?

A. You would need 1.5 ( 2x) chemical plants to clean all the effluent produced by one air purifier.

Q. Your mod is not powerful enough !

A. Pollution is geographic. If you put a single plant in a key location, you can prevent the spread to other grids. Pollution only spread after 14 unit of pollution per grid, so you can use the air purifier as a "firewall" to prevent pollution spread.