Advanced Modules

Adds advanced and combied Versions of Modules and 9 new Beacons. Reduces the Price of all Modules, makes Efficency Modules cheaper than other Modules. Adds Pollution Reduction to Efficency Modules. Added Modules: Pure Speed and Pure Productivity ranging from MK1-MK6. Added Beacons: Efficiency Beacon, Speed Beacon and Productivity Beacon ranging from MK1-MK3. After the Game has finished you can create God Modules

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Reduction Limit

5 years ago

I just noticed that there is a hard limit of -80% to both energy consumption and power, as such it's a bit overkill to have the clean module go up to 120%, if I'll never get the benefit passed 80%.

5 years ago

Eine know that it is Overkill but for the Pure-Speed and the Pure-Porductivity Module the Math has to work out.

5 years ago

ah I see.

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