Advanced Belts

by Buggi

Mod adds 3 new tiers of belts, splitters and undergrounds belts past Turbo tier. Has support for loaders from other mods. (AAI, Deadlock, etc)

a month ago

g Question

2 months ago

quick question, cant test it rn so thought I'd ask. Does it need lube to work as well as AAI Loaders? Would love if it needed. Rly like the idea of needing something more to substitute inserters

2 months ago

the lube requirement is an option with AAI loaders, this mod will by default adhere to whatever choice you made for that mod.

Although, if you play with that enabled, you'll find the top tier loader needs something else to operate. Enjoy!

2 months ago

NIce, just tried but
Failed to load mods: Error while loading recipe prototype "aai-high-speed-loader" (recipe): Key "icon" not found in property tree at ROOT.recipe.aai-high-speed-loader
Modifications: Advanced Belts

2 months ago

oh lord
why didn't I get that error?

2 months ago

Wow that was a deep rabbit hole. Was a bug in AAI Loaders where it assumed there was only one output, thus adding a second output completely FUBAR'd the whole thing, including the localized string, menu group and subgroup... wow. But, it's fixed, 4 hours later. Enjoy.

2 months ago

Nice, working, thx a lot, loved the mod, 150 items/second is crazy but I can only imagine the builds, lol. Nice work.

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