Mod adds 3 new tiers of belts, splitters and undergrounds belts past Turbo tier. Has support for loaders from other mods. (AAI, Deadlock, etc)
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Version: 2.2.0 Date: 2025.1.7 Features: - Added support for Deadlocks Beltboxes and Loader mod. Loader recipes are identical between AAI and Deadlock versions.
Version: 2.1.3 Date: 2025.1.3 Bugfixes: - Fix for menu ordering of Advanced Tier - Fix AAI Loader weight to a standard of 25 per rocket.
Version: 2.1.2 Date 2025.1.2 Bugfixes: - Fix for AAI Loader bug where it doesn't set main_product of the recipe. AAI Loaders assumes there's no secondary output. Thus breaking the icon.
Version: 2.1.1 Date: 2025.1.2 Bugfixes: - Sorry everyone, an errant comma made it into the code at the last minute...
Version: 2.1.0 Date: 2025.1.2 Rework: - ALL previous versions are by a different author, Warnone so a massive amount of the credit goes to them for the original mod. This is a fork. Features: - Complete overhaul to the entire mod for Space Age - Tier 5 is now, hopefully, tinted more toward cyan and takes Turbo items to craft. - Tier 7 is more purple-ish... - New tiers require Space Age materials, Tier 7 is only crafted in space. - Updated AAI Loader compatability, loaders unlock with the logistics research. - Added config options for a LOT of the nuts and bolts of the mod: speed, underground distance, etc. - Config option to override the underground pipe distance, defaults to vanilla value. Does not set the value if left to default, so other mods can edit it with out it being reset. - Config option for "Sane" recipes for new AAI Loaders, for those who run the "Sane AAI Loader Rebalance" mod, like me. Locale: - Need new local files for anyone interested in helping.
Version: 2.0.7 Date: 2023.11.04 Locale: - Added Japan translate (translated by YAMATO_Hajime).
Version: 2.0.6 Date: 2023.09.08 Features: - Added a setting to simplify technology 'Logistics 3' which will no longer require a Production science pack for research.
Version: 2.0.4 Date: 2023.08.03 Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug where 'Logistics 6' did not require Space science pack.
Version: 2.0.3 Date: 2023.06.07 Bugfixes: - Fixed incorrect order.
Version: 2.0.2 Date: 2023.05.08 Locale: - Updated German Translation.
Version: 2.0.1 Date: 2023.02.03 Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug that caused the splitters to have an incorrect animation when they were rotated to the west (reported by Turtle).
Version: 2.0.0 Date: 2023.02.02 Rework: - Complete code reworking. - Optimization of stored sprites. The total weight of the mod has been reduced. Features: - Added low-resolution sprites. - Added DeadlockBlackRubberBelts support. - Added a setting to simplify the crafting of loaders. Changes: - Improved color visibility of all entities. Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug that caused loaders from other mods not to improve with upgrade planner.
Version: 1.6.4 Date: 2023.01.31 Locale: - Updated Translation.
Version: 1.6.3 Date: 2023.01.31 Features: - Added AAI-Loaders support. Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash if "Graphics only" mode is enabled in AAI-Loader. - Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash without AAI-Loader. Changes: - Changed crafting time of all loaders by 5 seconds.
Version: 1.5.4 Date: 2023.01.16 Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug where the upgrade planner was not applied to express logistics.
Version: 1.5.3 Date: 2022.09.27 Features: - Now the 'Logistics 6' technology requires a Space science pack. - Now the 'Logistics 5' technology requires a Utility science pack.
Version: 1.5.1 Date: 2022.09.17 Features: - Updated belt icons.
Version: 1.4.1 Date: 2022.09.12 Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug that did not allow connecting belts to circuit network (reported by IronyIsGood).
Version: 1.4.0 Date: 2022.08.23 Features: - Added working sound of splitters. - Added the sound of opening and closing all items AdvancedBelts (As in the vanilla version).
Version: 1.3.27 Date: 2022.08.21 Changes: - All recipes have become simpler. - AdvancedBelts now changes loaders recipes from other mods.
Version: 1.3.12 Date: 2022.08.09 Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug where mod gave an error. Optimisations: - Now the loaders recipes will work even if the mods Vanilla Loader and LoaderRedux are active separately. Locale: - Updated German Translation.
Version: 1.3.6 Date: 2022.08.09 Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug where Loader Redux could not start.
Version: 1.3.5 Date: 2022.08.09 Features: - Added LoaderRedux support. Bugfixes: - Fixed loaders snapping. - Fixed interaction loaders with cargo wagon.
Version: 1.2.35 Date: 2022.08.09 Features: - Added Vanilla Loader support (suggested by knniDE). Optimisations: - Balanced crafting of all items. Locale: - Added Loader translations.
Version: 1.1.33 Date: 2022.08.08 Locale: - Added German translate (translated by knniDE).
Version: 1.1.19 Date: 2022.08.08 Changes: - Fixed belt animation speed. Locale: - Updated English translate.
Version: 1.0.5 Date: 2022.08.08 Locale: - Updated English and Russian translate.