248k Mod

Advance through 4 stages of tech. Start with simple machines and work your way through nuclear fission and fusion up to black and white holes, in order to tame the 248k Element. This mod is designed to be playable in already existing worlds since it changes nothing on world generation. Can be played as a standalone mod or in overhaul mode.

2 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

i Amount of fluids

1 year, 3 months ago

Hi! I've been using this mod for some time and I have a general suggestion. It'd be in my opinion better idea to keep the amount of fluid needed for entities to work a lot smaller than it is now. It looks just ridiculous placing 10 machines and seeing 400k molten fluid per minute. There is no good way of putting that much fluid anywhere apart from directly to the next machine, but this is not possible due to ratios being 2:1 for example. I'd really suggest you just divide recipes by a factor of 10. 10 less fluid created, 10 less fluid needed for the next step. It is really painful to handle such great quantities of fluids with the system we have in the game. The same goes for other mods of course. But opening the rate calculator and seeing millions of something needed per minute is just painful, especially fluids.

1 year, 3 months ago

Hey Gujarat!

I dont know if you saw but PreyLey recommends

Fluid must Flow for high pipe throughputs

Probably for this exact situation

1 year, 3 months ago

But why would you create the problem in the 1st place if you can just make it work without any other mods?

1 year, 3 months ago

Right now it is the author's decision to set such high amounts of fluid needed for his recipes, which is just not needed. It strains the game and doesn't add any interesting mechanic, or anything flavor related.

1 year, 2 months ago

I've found the high fluid volumes troublesome, but in a way that simply incentivises putting casting very close to furnaces. Not trying to move molten metals long distances in trains and pipes makes a bit of sense really?

If you're doing max beacons direct insert for UPS then maybe it's worse but then you can beacon the casters/furnaces differently to balance rates. At midgame module quality, especially with constrained beacons, I've found it not too hard to get a 2:1 ratio with only a few pipe elements in between & things seem to work fine enough.

1 year, 2 months ago

Fine enough is always temporary :D. I just hope someday we could get normal fluid amounts. Looking at some recipes in different mods and seeing 500k/min fluid needed just crumbles my will into dust.

1 year, 1 month ago

Also, and this is perhaps spoilers territory, but it looks like getting to Star Engine swings the fluid ratios wildly the other way. Well the Star Engine inputs are still pretty terrifying, and there aren't that many materials a Star Engine will produce, but the important output fluid rates are pretty viable.

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

u can fix the fluid inputs with pumps, or modded pumps, dont use any tank. i can run my star engine at 100% with just vanilla pumps and pipes, 3.8 million plates/hour each star, try to have just one pipe or undergroud pipe between each pump. My star engine bp in factorioprints: /view/-NQlktEwyiQTuDBEoE3U

Chaos234 β˜†
1 year, 1 month ago

u can fix the fluid inputs with pumps, or modded pumps, dont use any tank. i can run my star engine at 100% with just vanilla pumps and pipes, 3.8 million plates/hour each star, try to have just one pipe or undergroud pipe between each pump. My star engine bp in factorioprints: /view/-NQlktEwyiQTuDBEoE3U

Could you please update your link? I am also interested in this BP but ... uhm ... there is no link ^^

1 year, 1 month ago

Seems like 72x is a big number of injectors / refineries ... 544x also sounds a very large spend on speed 9 (?) modules, almost like you'd be putting more powergrid into protium preparation than the Star Engine itself

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