248k Mod

Advance through 4 stages of tech. Start with simple machines and work your way through nuclear fission and fusion up to black and white holes, in order to tame the 248k Element. This mod is designed to be playable in already existing worlds since it changes nothing on world generation. Can be played as a standalone mod or in overhaul mode.

10 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

b Aluminium has no plate recipe in metal caster.

2 years ago

in your discription it say "" aswell as mods from brevven to make the game even more complex (integration currently getting written)""
one of brevven mods is called Aluminum. Which his for Aluminium. it has in world aluminum ore. which can be smelted into Alumina and silica. Then you take the Alumina and smelt it into Aluminium plates.
in 248 there is a molten Aluminium recipe for just plain Aluminium.
What is the intention here. Because molten Aluminium cant be turn into plates.
What do i do to make this the way it needs to be. Do i need to remove the Alumin mod

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