248k Mod

Advance through 4 stages of tech. Start with simple machines and work your way through nuclear fission and fusion up to black and white holes, in order to tame the 248k Element. This mod is designed to be playable in already existing worlds since it changes nothing on world generation. Can be played as a standalone mod or in overhaul mode.

10 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

g [WIP] Aluminium and BZ's Aluminum different items?

2 years ago

Feels like there needs to be a bit of compatibility work done. BZ Ores mods adds refractory smelting but it doesn't seem like the molten smelting 248k adds mixes with the other mods smelting increase methods. Makes you choose one or the other.

It also seems like there's quite a bit of stuff in this mod that even goes well with SE but as is I think it'll be a lot of 2 mods side by side until creators talk and work out balancing/integration issues. Just my 2 cents.

2 years ago

Feels like there needs to be a bit of compatibility work done. BZ Ores mods adds refractory smelting but it doesn't seem like the molten smelting 248k adds mixes with the other mods smelting increase methods. Makes you choose one or the other.

It also seems like there's quite a bit of stuff in this mod that even goes well with SE but as is I think it'll be a lot of 2 mods side by side until creators talk and work out balancing/integration issues. Just my 2 cents.

Im onto integrating BZ into 248k with brevven himself.

Yeah SE is also not integrated that good.
Hopefully it will be in the future.

2 years ago

I personally play this mod together with SE + Krastorio and it sure makes stuff decently harder and actually alot of fun! I haven't gotten farther than to rich water for now although I almost have it automated soon.. If I don't get distracted that is

I don't know how well its integrated with SE past that point tho, but early game seems like good stuff (I think?)

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