248k Mod

Advance through 4 stages of tech. Start with simple machines and work your way through nuclear fission and fusion up to black and white holes, in order to tame the 248k Element. This mod is designed to be playable in already existing worlds since it changes nothing on world generation. Can be played as a standalone mod or in overhaul mode.

10 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

b Cant load with KR2+Industrial Evolution 2

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Error loading mods
Failed to load mods: Error while running setup for recipe prototype "assembling-machine-2" (recipe): Duplicate item ingredients are not allowed (el_materials_ALK exists 2 or more times)
Mods to be disabled:
Industrial Revolution (2.3.2)
248k (1.0.4)
Krastorio2 (1.2.25)

Did a github issue too https://github.com/PreLeyZero/248K/issues/10
Update: It works with KR2, issue is with Industrial Evolution 2

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I am having the same issue - and I can't even find the recipe that got anything to do with assembling machine 2


I have now searched every file in both 248k(under prototypes) and industrial(under Code) and there is no mention of assembly machine 2 - only industrial got one, but the recipe is normal...
I also searched for el_materials_ALK and it did not appear wrong as far as I could tell.. super weird

2 years ago

I am having the same issue - and I can't even find the recipe that got anything to do with assembling machine 2


I have now searched every file in both 248k(under prototypes) and industrial(under Code) and there is no mention of assembly machine 2 - only industrial got one, but the recipe is normal...
I also searched for el_materials_ALK and it did not appear wrong as far as I could tell.. super weird

if your playing in overhaul mode, see scripts overhaul. There i insert el_materials_ALK into the recipe. But not more then one time. I suspekt something going on on industrial revs part. Since the same script works for vanilla/K2 perfectly fine.

2 years ago

I am having the same issue - and I can't even find the recipe that got anything to do with assembling machine 2


I have now searched every file in both 248k(under prototypes) and industrial(under Code) and there is no mention of assembly machine 2 - only industrial got one, but the recipe is normal...
I also searched for el_materials_ALK and it did not appear wrong as far as I could tell.. super weird

if your playing in overhaul mode, see scripts overhaul. There I insert el_materials_ALK into the recipe. But not more then one time. I suspect something going on on industrial revs part. Since the same script works for vanilla/K2 perfectly fine.

2 years ago

I shouldn't be playing in overhaul - its not a clean install, since I just updated 248k - thou overhaul might be set automatically.

But I removed industrial, since I had 248k earlier with no overhaul - earlier version like 0.9, but I wanted to try with overhaul :p

And thank you for responding :)

2 years ago

I shouldn't be playing in overhaul - its not a clean install, since I just updated 248k - thou overhaul might be set automatically.

But I removed industrial, since I had 248k earlier with no overhaul - earlier version like 0.9, but I wanted to try with overhaul :p

And thank you for responding :)

Overhaul is currently only safe compatible with vanilla and K2. I would like to integrate ind2 but i dont think it will happen due to time. In standalone 248k is compatible with almost everything.

New response