248k Mod

Advance through 4 stages of tech. Start with simple machines and work your way through nuclear fission and fusion up to black and white holes, in order to tame the 248k Element. This mod is designed to be playable in already existing worlds since it changes nothing on world generation. Can be played as a standalone mod or in overhaul mode.

10 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

b Fusion Reactor Inputs Question

4 years ago

Excellent mod! I'm really having fun with this one. I just have a question about what is potentially a bug or perhaps me making a mistake.

For the "Reasearch Fusor", I am successfully creating "Lithium-Li[6]" and "Protium-H[1]", but am unable to feed them into the fusor itself. Do I use pipes for this? Based on your screenshots I pipe the lithium into the left and the protium into the right but pipes don't seem to connect. Is this a bug or some messup on my part?

4 years ago

Hi - wont the pipes connect or wont they input into the fusor? If they connect: you can check with alt mode if lithium and protium gets pumped into the right input.

4 years ago

No, the pipes just won't connect. I have made sure the correct fluids are in the correct pipes using alt mode and what happens is that the pipes go up to one block away from the fusor and then I can't place any more due to collision.

4 years ago

I figured out the problem - it would appear I need to use pumps on the end of the pipes for it to connect to the fusor. I don't know if this is intentional or not but at least it works for now! Sorry for the trouble...

4 years ago

The new update should fix the problem.

4 years ago

So i noticed that i cant rotate most of the t3 buildings
is this intentional?

4 years ago

So i noticed that i cant rotate most of the t3 buildings
is this intentional?

yes. For the big Reactors it takes quite some time to make graphics and stuff so i first added a non rotable version. Maybe in the future those will get updates.

Dumb question from someone who's never written a mod... I'm guessing there's more involved here than just creating 4 versions of the images?

2 years ago

Dumb question from someone who's never written a mod... I'm guessing there's more involved here than just creating 4 versions of the images?

Not really. Define a prototype and provide images for rotations.

New response