I would recommend another way to consume diesel fuel. At the moment the only way is through trains and that might not be conductive to everyones playstyle or be able to consume it fast enough.
like use it in the burner generator for power production?
Yah that would be a good idea, unfortunately it doesnt accept it at the moment. not sure if intentional or not?
i will be adding it in the next update - alongside with the new roboport
Will i also be able to blueprint/ghost the beacons? It doesnt want to work for whatever reason.
im working on it - actually im not sure if i should enable it. Those beacons are already pretty opish, with the only drawbag being that you have to keep the core running. Making them only placeable by hand seems to make it more chalenging to abuse them - i think i will include the option for making them blueprintable in the settings, but turn it off as standart.