Extended Vanilla: Refining

An overhaul to the normal ore processings while maintaining the style and simplicity. It adds some brand new machines that will allow you to boost the yeld of plates obtainable from a single iron and copper ore (up to 4x after space science), while the coal refinement chain revolves around fuel efficiency and steel production. You'll have to progress through 3 tiers of ore processing: base, advanced and elite, each one divided in 3 subcategories. Compatible with Bz Mods and Krastorio2.

a month ago
1.0 - 1.1
Mining Manufacturing Power
Common sense Copyright
3 years ago
Latest Version:
2.7.1 (a month ago)
Factorio version:
1.0 - 1.1
Downloaded by:
5.78K users

Short description of this mod(pack):

This mod implements some methods for refining your mined ores and so augment the complessive yield.
Each tier needs to be unlocked with a technology, and you can further upgrade these recipes as you progress through the game.

! For the actual numbers with Krastorio 2 see the Faq page. !

Furnace (Basic smelting):

  • Obtain a plate from an ore
    Basic vanilla processing, yeah, but now the Advanced material processing technology introduces the crusher, a machine that won't allow you to boost your ore production at first, but will allow you to speed up the normal vanilla process.

Ore Crusher: (From 1.5x to 1.75x)

  • Obtain more than a plate from an ore before the smelting process.
    Crushers can now enhance your ore production efficiency

Enrichment Chamber: (From 2x to 2.5x)

  • With the power of electrolysis, you can further refine your ores.
    Ores are processed into ore clumps, and these clumps can be smashed down into dust with crushers.
    Requires water

Purification Chamber: (From 3x to 3.75x)

  • Purification chambers are really complex machines that use sulphuric acid to melt down ores into chunks.
    The chunks can be then processed into clumps and so smashed into dust.

Late game production of a megabase: (Up to 4.125x)

  • There are two brand new versions of the normal crusher and enrichment chamber, dedicated to the late game entusiasts.
    They have enhanced defensive stats, process 2 times faster, and have a base production boost of 5%
    This allows you to save up a LOT of space and at the same time to boost your efficiency, and a 5% at this stage of the game I assure you is nuts.

Inspired from the famous Mekanism's ore processing (A minecraft mod).
Since this mod(pack) has not a forum page, you can follow me on my discord server where you can tell me your idea and/or any suggestion on my mods.
On that forum you can find a dedicated section on all the mods/modpacks on which i'm currently working too.

Coal processing chains:

  • Coal processing is not revolved around a simple boost to final yields.
  • The approach here is different, it depends on what's your goal: more efficient fuels or steel production?

More efficient fuels:

  • Raw coal can be refined through the game in clean coal, coal dust, clumps and chunks, gaining more and more Megajoules with each recipe.
  • Coal chunks, that are better than solid fuel if you compare the stats, can replace oil in the production of rocket fuel.
    (A production chain of 4-5 passages is needed, yes, but in the end you always obtain more MJ of fuel than what you consume in the craftings.)

More, and faster, steel:

  • Vanilla steel production remains untouched, but now you can unlock faster and better methods to produce steel, using coal coke.
  • Coal coke is lesser efficient in terms of fuel efficiency, obviously, but if you can use less iron to produce the same or even more steel... what's the problem?

Here's a design of what an Iron ore processing chain in your world could look like in a mid to late game scenario.

  • The designs are made by me and the community: you can have your chance to have yours updated too. :D
    (In my case I know some of you can do much better, I'm not a perfect ratio guy I love spamming things.)

Zig zag

Linear design.

Circuit design: credits to Syrenthra from Discord.
Linear design.

Krastorio 2: Beaconed iron refinement chain.

(This is the production per minute of this design.)

Projects: (Last updated: 14.03.24)

  • Optimize the Krastorio 2 compatibility (Ex. Steel production);
  • Uranium processing chain; (Introducing plutonium and other byproducts.)
  • Implement ore Quintuplication and overhaul; (Comin' with Space Age Factorio Update.)
  • Intermediates mods' overhaul; (Comin' with Space Age Factorio Update, see Faq page.)

Projects finished:

  • Implement new tiers of the already implemented machines; / (Done!)
  • Do a cross-mod compatibility with Brevven mods; / (Done!)
  • Expand coal processing chain; (Coal, charcoal, coal coke, pellets, etc.) / (Done!)


The mod is coded in a procedural way: implementing new ores is as easy as write a word, but creating all the textures needed could take some time.


  • If you are a mod owner, you can contact me in private on both discord and the factorio forum;
  • If you're a fan and want a compatibility, feel free to ask me as I told before.
    (DISCLAIMER: I'm more active on discord)

Currently supported:

  • Ev Mining drills: tech three addons; (Enable via settings.)
  • Brevven's Lead mod: recipe chain with and without copper as byproduct; (Enable via settings.)
  • Brevven's Tungsten mod: recipe chain with and without iron as byproduct, tech three addons; (Enable via settings.)
  • Brevven's Titanium mod: recipe chain with and without iron as byproduct, tech three addons; (Enable via settings.)
    (When I'll also add aluminium this recipe chain will have an additional optional byproduct.)

The Extended Vanilla Modpack: (Last updated: 31.12.23)

The plan to introduce an overhaul to the game is still there, and I've done some interesting work in the past years, but
by updating this mod to 2.0.0 (it took me 3 weeks, yeah) I realized that there's no meaning in continuing for now.

A new factorio update is coming, and it seems to be really huge:
+ I want to see from a modding view how these different planets can affect your progression.
+ I want to see how the new ORES will change this game. (And possibly add new ways to refine them or enhance the already implemented methods.)

So I'm stopping the development of the "intermediates" section until the update will come out.
Then I'll update this section with my thoughts.

Until then, I'll focus on the already released mods... and on compatibilities: yeah for the first time in this mod development... I'll focus on other mods. (Lmao)
Feel free to ask me in the comment section what mod you would like me to boost.

A complete list of the mods on which I'm currently working: (Latest update: 31.12.2023)


Military & Armor:


  • I need to fix some things regarding patreon.

(You've come this far? Really? What do you want? Schreenshots? Just download and spam my guy this mod will allow you to, trust me.)

Known issues:

  • If you find any... my mistakes in english are endless... I'm sorry. :D