
Hi! I'm Playmaker, aka the creator of the Extended Vanilla modpack, and some other mods.
I'm an energy engineering student, and therefore this game couldn't be more appealing and interesting for me.
Back to 2017 I started modding... and I never stopped since then, as you can see.

Adding content that can be useful and fun for people is really satisfying to me, that's why I hope you'll appreciate my mods.

If you want you can follow me on my discord server and if you want to tell me smth about my mods feel free (no... make sure!) to do it!

Mods by 77Playmaker

Dp77s FactorioPlus Electronics deprecated

This mod changes the normal way to produce circuits in a more complex and interesting one, using new liquids like lithium and adding a new powerful circuit called control unit (that will be used from "FactorioPlus: Machines" for craft, for example, the assembling machine mk11 ); it also splits the vanilla green/red/blue circuit in 3 different versions: from the easier to the harder. This mod is also compatible with Bob's ones if you want to play them together.

6 years ago

Dp77s FactorioPlus: Bio Expansion deprecated

Inspired from the other Bio-mods, this one adds a new greenhouse and 4 new futuristic bio-labs for produce enormous quantities of wood that'll be requested from Dp77's FactorioPlus (FP): Electronics or from any other mod. This mod is compatible, i think, with anything (tell me if i'm wrong).

6 years ago

Dp77's FactorioPlus: Plates and Basic Ores Processings deprecated

Provides smelting recipes for the ores added with Dp77's FactorioPlus: Ores, but not only! This mod will add a new, more complex and dynamic way to play this game: many craftings for obtain my ores and their related things will be different from the vanilla game, also the vanilla tech three will be re-edited from the bottom for a better integration and some ores will require unique processings thought only for them. This mod is also compatible with Bob's ones and RSO.

6 years ago

Dp77's FactorioPlus: Refining deprecated

This mod adds a new way to refine ores with some new high-tech machines (like the mekanism processing in minecraft ) in order to duplicate, triplicate (x4 and x5 will be available soon ) your raw ores before smelt them in the furnaces.

6 years ago

Better Inserters deprecated

With this mod inserters don't drop things on the floor. (Mining drills included.)

7 years ago

Another Sulfur Mod deprecated

This mod adds mineable sulfur ore to the map, that needs to be purified with a new assembling machine and a new typology of crafting (purifying), but this machine needs to be researched for make the game a bit interesting ;D. (This mod is ntended to supplement your production of sulfuric acid by enabling mining of sulfur deposits.)

6 years ago

Start Packs deprecated

Start your adventure with one of this three kits. You can selected in the mod config settings. Small: A few belts, burner mining drills and plates. Medium: Construction Robots, Personal Roboport, Assembling Machines, Electricity, Car Big: Lots of Belt, Poles, Assembling Machine 2's, Logistic Chest (Request/Provider), Roboports, Logistic + Construction Robots and other stuff. This kit also unlocks all technologies required by the logistics system.

7 years ago

Easier-Logistic deprecated

Makes belts underground belts and splitters craftings' easier. >This mod is not projected for my FactorioPlus mods, however you can use it if you want with them (i'll probably integrate this one with them as a addon).

7 years ago
0.15 - 0.16

Dp77s RealFactory Steam Age deprecated

The name says it all: no electricity - all works only with steam - the ore's processing is rewritten to being more real - new machines and processes, picked out from the reality of the first industrial revolution.

5 years ago

Dp77s RealFactory Core deprecated

The core of my second modpack - see the modpage for more details

5 years ago

Modules and Blueprint deprecated

Do you remember when you've copied a big setup of your base with a Blueprint and after that you've been obligated to insert all the modules in the machines? Well, with this mod you will not have to worry anymore of that!

7 years ago