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1.0.9 - factorio 0.16 compatible
1.0.8 - factorio 0.15 compatible
1.0.7 - factorio 0.14 compatible
1.0.6 - add biter spawners/nests that were forgotten in previous versions... (there was only spitter spawners/nests)
- rewrite eggs prototype generation.
1.0.5 - minor corrections
1.0.4 - correct a migration problem
1.0.3 - 0.13 compatible. Corrects a potential install bug. Rewrite en(n)emies management. Rework of initialisation routines. Custom license.
1.0.2 - Improves multiplayer compatibility. Adds german locale (thanks to apcnc)
1.0.1 - hatch several aliens per egg, depending on the alien size.
1.0.0 - Initial release.