Bio Industries

Provides useful buildings and items, like the Bio Farm for growing trees. Solar Farm and Large Accumulator to make your electric setup easier. Bio Fuel section to produce organic plastic and batteries. Lots of New Wood Products, like the big electric pole, wooden pipes, dart turret. Plant trees using seedlings. Change terrain from deserts to grasslands using Fertilizer - helps trees grow better. And a lot more… Please visit the homepage on the forums for more information and feedback.

1 year, 27 days ago
0.14 - 1.1
8 years ago
Latest Version:
1.1.19 (1 year, 27 days ago)
Factorio version:
0.14 - 1.1
Downloaded by:
54.6K users

Bio Industries provides you with some very useful buildings and products.

This mod works best with Bob's mods, but can definitely be used by itself also.
Thanks to Xterminator for doing a Mod Spotlight: – V1.1.0 so a little outdated.
Munda (Steigenbaerchen) featured a detailed review in German of BI and Deadlock Stacking for BI, as well as a follow-up. Thanks a lot for the spotlight! :-)

Bio-Boiler: Outputs the same amount of energy as 2 normal boilers while consuming twice as much fuel -- but with way less pollution!
Bio-Farm: Produce wood in a greenhouse.
Bio-Garden: A building that helps reduces the pollution you create.
Bio-Solar-Farm: A high yield solar plant. Condense those hundreds of smaller solar panels into single unit.
Bio-Accumulator – A very large Accumulator. Condense those hundreds of smaller accumulators into single unit.
Solar Floor/Mat – A solar mat/floor that lets you move fast and produces electricity.
Bio-Cannon: A massive artillery unit that only fires on spawners. It has a range of 85.
Cookery: Turn all that wood you’re going to produce into Coal!
Stone Crusher: Crush stone.
Bio-Reactor: Produce Bio Fuels and Plastics.
Terraformer: Change terrain and/or plant trees

Seedling: Plant trees! (You can plant Seedlings and they will grow into trees.) The terrain you plant the seedlings on affects how fast they will grow, or if they will grow at all. Use fertilizer to improve the terrain!
Fertilizer: Use fertilizer to change terrain to grass. Trees grow better in grasslands that deserts. Also used in recipes to grow wood faster in the Bio Farm.
Wooden Fence: Early Defense.
Big Wooden Pole: Early Large Electric Pole.
Wood Floors: Early Wooden Floors.
Wooden Rail: Early Rail needs Wood to produce, later rail now needs Concrete.
Wooden Rail Bridge: Create a bridge that will span water.
Other Items:
Ash, Charcoal, Coke-Coal, Cursed Stone, Wood Pulp.
Plastic & Bio-Fuel

Game Tweaks:
Making some Vanilla recipe's more realistic.
Stone Wall: adds Iron Sticks (Rebarb) to recipe
Concrete: Uses Iron Sticks (Rebarb) and not Iron-Ore
Rail (Vanilla and Wood): Uses Crushed Stone and not Stone
Trees Give Random 1 - 6 Raw Wood
Tree Collision box made smaller
Loot Pickup Distance x2
Slightly faster running.
Disassemble Recipes:
- Burner-mining-drill
- Steel-furnace
- Stone furnace
- Burner inserter
- Long handed inserter

Credits: There's a lot, see Home Page.
