Hacked Splitters deprecated

You've used your ingenuity as an engineer to hack your original splitter design, creating new splitters that perfectly balance transport belt inputs. These hacked splitters require extra circuitry and are best used with single-item belts as they no longer perform the function of their baser models. They unlock when their respective counterparts become available.

6 years ago
7 years ago
Latest Version:
1.1.0 (6 years ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
6 users

Hacked Splitters

Hacked Splitters mods Factorio, adding a new class of splitters—the "hacked splitter". These splitters perfectly balance transport belt inputs, but can no longer effectively manage multi-item belts (though you are willing to try).

Hacked splitters are not special entities; they are true splitters. They can be placed over vanilla splitters and vice
versa. You can see them in action here and here.

Update 2018: Presently I am not planning on updating this mod for two main reasons--1) I don't use them anymore; and 2) native priority splitters opens up more vanilla options albeit different ones. For your current hacked splitter needs, see this republish. (Note: I've not used it; YMMV.)

1.1.0 0xCC0A

  • Factorio update 0.15;
  • Published overclock mode--see the unreleased 0xCC09 release; and
  • Disabled the three distinguishing white hatch-marks until lo- and hi-res versions both can be done.

Known issues

  • The hacked fast splitter only compresses at 98%, but fully compresses with overclock enabled;
  • No distinguishing graphics between normal and hacked splitters;
  • Bob's Logistics hasn't been released and as such wasn't tested.

1.0.9 0xCC09 (Unreleased)

  • Added an overclock toggle per splitter, settable with SHIFT-O when selecting the splitter. This disables the splitter's backoff logic allowing it to draw equally from the inputs. The downside is that it requires more processing time. Use wisely.

1.0.8 0xCC08

  • Performance improvements;
  • Repair older upgrade-planner save files;
  • Fixed migration from 1.0.5 (reported by Doublespin); and
  • Handle multiple robot_pre_mined events for same item (issue #8).

1.0.6 0xCC06

  • Fixed case where three of four outbound lines were blocked (issue #5).

1.0.5 0xCC05

  • Factorio 0.14 update. For Factorio 0.13, download this.

1.0.4 0xCC04

  • An offending mod was wiping out the global util module. Instead of relying on the global namespace, require "util" when needed (issue #2).

1.0.3 0xCC03

  • Support for Bob's Logistics mod.
  • Removed splitter images and refactored the entities to use animation layers for the hatch marks.
  • Recalculate update frequency when dependent mods (e.g., base) are updated in the event they change their belts' speeds.

1.0.2 0xCC02

  • Patch for case where the entity becomes invalid (issue #1).

1.0.1 0xCC01

  • Removed session_tick as it was not needed and might cause a multiplayer desync.
  • Fixed express belt compression in main processing loop (reported by goofy183).

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